American Solutions will once again be on the front lines of this legislative battle, and we are going to need your help to stop Kerry-Lieberman. Here is our simple three step plan to accomplish this:
1.) Tell the truth about this bill being a tax: Senators John Kerry and Joe Lieberman continue to deny that this bill is tax using clever political spin. We plan on making a full-court press in the media through TV appearances, op-eds, and letters-to-the editors from members like you to get the truth out to as many people as possible.
2.) Target swing votes in the Senate: We have identified twenty-three Senators who could likely vote either way on this piece of legislation. We plan to target these members in their home states with a variety of ads that will lead to a dramatic increase of pressure from their constituents.
3.) Grassroots Blitz: With your help, we want to make over 150,000 phone calls to members of the Senate in opposition to this bill. We also will help organize on-the-ground activities in key states as well as get American Solutions members to attend townhalls so we can get Senators on the record about whether they support or oppose this legislation.