Mr. and Mr. or Mrs. and Mrs.???? There is something odd with this statement. I place my shield now.....I am not a hate-monger AND there is something odd with this first statement. More and more (unfortunately) we see issues making news that we would rather not see as news or see in any other light. One issue is homosexual marriage. I still shudder even saying such. Some things are wrong. Wrong to the core, just plain wrong. We were taught from an early age in church or from our parents reading the bible to us on such and other moral points for life. The goodness of our nation is founded on being a moral and just society. The extremely forward thinking founding fathers knew that religion was the backbone of maintaining our morals. No matter how much the "in," thing today is to bash religion it was and is an integral part of who we are. I have lived where religion is very much out of the everyday lives of society and believe me the morals are nonexistent. I do not want to go off in a different direction from where I started this but I'd like to tie the moral & just way of life to the error in believing such things as homosexual marriage, partnership, civil union or any other term for it.
We are bombarded through media outlets that this is "progressive," thinking and that this is the next great advancement of society. No matter how it is disguised it is repugnant to even consider gay rights on the same level as the struggle for civil rights for blacks earlier in our history. A matter of fact I will argue they are complete OPPOSITES. Being against someone due to their race "racism," is morally wrong and anyone condoning it is wrong in the eyes of our creator, persons suffering such should fight against such oppression. Two persons of the same sex forming a union/relationship/partnership as in the frame we understand as husband and wife is morally wrong and anyone doing such or condoning such is wrong in the eyes of our creator, persons seeing society condoning such should stand up and fight against this.
We must ensure the voice of the moral right is heard and that we protect our society from further degeneracy. We should not and will not allow persons wanting to participate in driving morals out of our society through whatever guise they may use to do so. Religion is the bastion of our principles, morals and upstanding guidelines for life. We have to bring such influence into our government and not separate it and treat it as an unenlightened force. I see no issue in doing so and not violating the separation church and state as I believe separation of church and state was intended to protect us from the government forcing a national religion upon us not to keep us away from religion. And any religion that people may practice (that does not cause harm to another) should be allowed to be practiced and it's thoughts and influence utilized by politicians practicing such. How can we separate the moral upbringing of a christian politician from the way his thoughts are formed and in turn legislation enacted? We can not and should not even try to. Many of the founding fathers were practicing worshippers of various faiths and they were able to all agree on "Our Creator." Fight for the moral protection of our nation, our children and our future. As a first step stand up and denounce homosexual marriage.