American Pride, where is it? It is alive and strong. Many of you have the similar feeling that we live in the greatest nation on earth -bar none. Some of us have seen what other options are out there and we feel even stronger on this.
I was reading a book to our children on Ronald Reagan and an excerpt stated,"In 1977, Jimmy Carter became president. And Reagan? He went home to his ranch. And he waited to see what would happen.
He didn't like what he saw. Prices were going up. people were out of work. many families could not afford to buy what they needed. In the middle eastern country of Iran, there was an uprising. Rioters captured more than sixty Americans there. They were being held, blindfolded and helpless.
Reagan said that Americans were losing pride in their country. That made him angry. It was time to do something."
Does this sound familiar? I can remember Nov. 3rd 2008. A day that was one of the saddest in my life. Many only saw the election of the first black president (which being true though also a racist perspective). I honestly did not look at him as a black man, I looked at him as a socialist and a danger to our nation. Many did not understand. And today? I believe many do finally understand and the rejection of him and his agenda was loud and clear this past Nov. 2nd. We do not want you Mr. Obama, we want you to be a one term president as your mentor Jimmy Carter. And US? Well we ARE Proud of our country and we are looking for a Reagan type character for 2012.