Why is gas so expensive?
ERIC BOLLING, FOX BUSINESS: Well, there are a lot of reasons. First and foremost, we don't drill enough of our own oil, Greta. We use 20 million barrels of-- you've heard these numbers before. We use 20 million barrels of crude oil a day in America. We only produce around six million barrels a day. We need to drill more.
A great example of why that would matter-- look at natural gas, where we use everything-- everything we use, we produce right here in North America. So it doesn't matter what happens geopolitically in Egypt or Cairo or Libya. It just doesn't matter what goes on there. It only matters what we produce here, and prices don't spike when geopolitics matters. So it's drilling, one, and it's the EPA, too, Greta. I've been saying for a long time they really need to relax these EPA standards on blended fuel.Read more click here