The tea party’s ideal presidential candidate would most likely be someone who combines the right political principles of limited government with a self-effacing approach to the wielding of power — and an aversion to the trappings of the office. A tall order in our day of 24-hour media coverage and political celebrity, when some potential presidential contenders appear on their own reality shows.Cool Cal - Click here
This is what the presidency stands for. Did we throw off one king for another? A lesser title with power beyond intention? No, our government was set up with a great system of checks and balances to ensure no one could assume power over another. Though we've managed to change what we were meant to be as any no founding father would recognize their country today. Shame on us and our fathers before to allow such. It is time to set things as they should be and stop looking to the executive office as the "king," of our nation. We are "King," though how many of us realize it?
Ron Paul - One Who Knows the Constitution - click here