Let's see Illegal &spotlight.....looks like this is exactly where we want them......when they reach the "spotlight" ARREST them!
"A Nation with a Government, not a Government with a Nation"
"A Nation with a Government, not a Government with a Nation"
Sunday, 12 December 2010
A Nation of Character - Rep. Forbes (4th District VA.)
Times of challenge reveal true character. And oftentimes, difficult times are a reminder of the values and foundation that are most important to us. This is true for individuals and it is true for our nation. There is no doubt that our country faces many challenges today. I have frequently said that our priorities as we head into a new year and a new Congress must be getting our federal fiscal house in order, supporting policies that create jobs, and working towards an economic future that is sustainable. But at the centerpiece of those issues are the values and foundations that are most important to us as a nation. We cannot lose sight of those historical threads that make our nation unique. If we brush them aside, or allow them to be pulled apart, we will begin to unravel the very foundational freedoms that birthed the United States.
Last month, in an address to the University of Jakarta in Indonesia, President Obama said "But I believe that this history of both America and Indonesia should give us hope. It is a story written into our national mottos. In the United States, our motto is E Pluribus unum - out of many one...our nations show that hundreds of millions who hold different beliefs can be united in freedom under one flag.”
But E Pluribus unum is not our national motto. And we are united under something greater than one flag.
“In God We Trust” has been a foundational phrase used throughout our nation’s history, from Presidential proclamations, to engravings in both the House and Senate chambers, to the oath taken by all federal employees. And in 1956, Congress passed and President Eisenhower signed the law establishing “In God We Trust” as the official national motto of the United States. The motto is referred to in the national anthem and is engraved on U.S. coins and currency. The Pledge of Allegiance to the flag says that we are united as “one nation under God.” These truths are established by the Declaration of Independence, the foundational document for freedom around the world.
The President’s inaccuracy may on the surface seem like a simple mistake or a small omission. But in his inaccuracy, the President cast aside an integral part of American society. The very essence of our nation is that rights belong to the individual, and that our rights are God-given and not granted by the government. The religious underpinnings of our nation are not evident merely because of the existence of a phrase “In God We Trust.” Rather, the very foundation upon which our nation was built was a trust in God. To lose sight of those principles, to overlook those principles, or to omit those principles is to forget the true character of our nation.
At a time in our nation’s history when the federal government is reaching further into the lives of Americans in a way that has not been seen before, it is even more important to remember where our freedoms are derived from. If the federal government is the giver of those rights, the federal government can take our rights away. But if we have a certain set of inalienable rights, given by a Creator, as is established by the Declaration of Independence, then neither citizens nor government can take them away.
President Obama’s words were symbolic. They are representative of a growing trend, not only in the Administration but across the nation, to require the exclusion of God from matters of government and public life. In so doing, it is removing the foundation upon which our nation was built and omitting a principle that has been embedded into the fabric of society and history in the United States. President Reagan once warned that “If we ever forget that we're one nation under God, then we will be a nation gone under.”
This week, I joined with members of the bipartisan Congressional Prayer Caucus in sending a letter to President Obama asking him to simply issue a correction to the speech he gave in Jakarta, acknowledging that his words did not accurately reflect this important and central American statement. In the letter, we offered to meet with the President to discuss our concerns in person. The President’s correction would not directly move us towards reducing our debt, placing our economy back on a sustainable path, or creating jobs for Americans. But the correction would be emblematic. His correction would acknowledge that we as Americans have a certain set of God-given rights that the government cannot take away. It would acknowledge that our principles and our nation’s character are important. And it would send a message that our first step in meeting the great challenges of our day is to remember the true character of our nation.
Last month, in an address to the University of Jakarta in Indonesia, President Obama said "But I believe that this history of both America and Indonesia should give us hope. It is a story written into our national mottos. In the United States, our motto is E Pluribus unum - out of many one...our nations show that hundreds of millions who hold different beliefs can be united in freedom under one flag.”
But E Pluribus unum is not our national motto. And we are united under something greater than one flag.
“In God We Trust” has been a foundational phrase used throughout our nation’s history, from Presidential proclamations, to engravings in both the House and Senate chambers, to the oath taken by all federal employees. And in 1956, Congress passed and President Eisenhower signed the law establishing “In God We Trust” as the official national motto of the United States. The motto is referred to in the national anthem and is engraved on U.S. coins and currency. The Pledge of Allegiance to the flag says that we are united as “one nation under God.” These truths are established by the Declaration of Independence, the foundational document for freedom around the world.
The President’s inaccuracy may on the surface seem like a simple mistake or a small omission. But in his inaccuracy, the President cast aside an integral part of American society. The very essence of our nation is that rights belong to the individual, and that our rights are God-given and not granted by the government. The religious underpinnings of our nation are not evident merely because of the existence of a phrase “In God We Trust.” Rather, the very foundation upon which our nation was built was a trust in God. To lose sight of those principles, to overlook those principles, or to omit those principles is to forget the true character of our nation.
At a time in our nation’s history when the federal government is reaching further into the lives of Americans in a way that has not been seen before, it is even more important to remember where our freedoms are derived from. If the federal government is the giver of those rights, the federal government can take our rights away. But if we have a certain set of inalienable rights, given by a Creator, as is established by the Declaration of Independence, then neither citizens nor government can take them away.
President Obama’s words were symbolic. They are representative of a growing trend, not only in the Administration but across the nation, to require the exclusion of God from matters of government and public life. In so doing, it is removing the foundation upon which our nation was built and omitting a principle that has been embedded into the fabric of society and history in the United States. President Reagan once warned that “If we ever forget that we're one nation under God, then we will be a nation gone under.”
This week, I joined with members of the bipartisan Congressional Prayer Caucus in sending a letter to President Obama asking him to simply issue a correction to the speech he gave in Jakarta, acknowledging that his words did not accurately reflect this important and central American statement. In the letter, we offered to meet with the President to discuss our concerns in person. The President’s correction would not directly move us towards reducing our debt, placing our economy back on a sustainable path, or creating jobs for Americans. But the correction would be emblematic. His correction would acknowledge that we as Americans have a certain set of God-given rights that the government cannot take away. It would acknowledge that our principles and our nation’s character are important. And it would send a message that our first step in meeting the great challenges of our day is to remember the true character of our nation.
Sunday, 5 December 2010
Top 10 Tea Party Patriots of 2010......oh yes we can change things!
CAGW Names Sens. Carper and Voinovich November Porkers of the Month
Washington, D.C.) - Citizens Against Government Waste (CAGW) today named Sens. Tom Carper (D-Del.) and George Voinovich (R-Ohio) November 2010 Porkers of the Month for proposing a gas tax increase for infrastructure improvements, when tens of billions of dollars in gas taxes have repeatedly been wasted on frivolous infrastructure projects.
According to a November 9, 2010 article in The Hill, the two senators wrote to President Obama’s National Commission on Fiscal Responsibility and Reform advocating for a gas tax increase, suggesting, ‘“That the commission include an increase in the federal tax on gasoline and diesel as part of your report to the president . . . We suggest that the taxes be increased by one cent per month for 25 months — a total of 25 cents over a three-year period.”’
The Power of Liberal Media - Speaking from both sides of their mouth
- "The documents appear to have been acquired illegally and contain all manner of private information and statements that were never intended for the public eye, so they won't be posted here."--New York Times, on the Climategate emails, Nov. 20, 2009
- "The articles published today and in coming days are based on thousands of United States embassy cables, the daily reports from the field intended for the eyes of senior policy makers in Washington. . . . The Times believes that the documents serve an important public interest, illuminating the goals, successes, compromises and frustrations of American diplomacy in a way that other accounts cannot match."--New York Times, on the WikiLeaks documents, Nov. 29, 2010
Thanks for sharing.......
Thursday, 2 December 2010
Let's Hope this Man one day Runs for President (to show what a real president does)
New Jersey Governor Chris Christie gave the keynote speech at the Jeb Bush Excel in Education Annual Summit in Washington, D.C. Tuesday night. In his 50-minute speech on education reform – one of Christie’s most passionate topics – the governor left no room to question how he feels about teachers’ unions, most specifically the New Jersey Education Association (NJEA).
In short: he doesn’t like them.
Here You go....Find your reps vote on banning earmarks (Va. Split)
Senate roll vote on banning earmarks
By The Associated Press
Posted: 12/01/2010 03:28:01 PM PST
Updated: 12/01/2010 03:28:01 PM PST
The 56-39 roll call Tuesday by which the Senate rejected a ban on lawmakers inserting earmarks or pet projects in spending bills.
A "yes" vote was a vote to prohibit earmarks.
Voting yes were 7 Democrats and 32 Republicans.
Voting no were 46 Democrats, 8 Republicans and 2 independents.
Democrats Yes
Bayh, Ind.; Bennet, Colo.; Feingold, Wis.; McCaskill, Mo.; Nelson, Fla.; Udall, Colo.; Warner, Va.
Democrats No
Akaka, Hawaii; Baucus, Mont.; Begich, Alaska; Bingaman, N.M.; Brown, Ohio; Cantwell, Wash.; Cardin, Md.; Carper, Del.; Casey, Pa.; Conrad, N.D.; Coons, Del.; Dodd, Conn.; Dorgan, N.D.; Durbin, Ill.; Feinstein, Calif.; Franken, Minn.; Gillibrand, N.Y.; Hagan, N.C.; Harkin, Iowa; Inouye, Hawaii; Johnson, S.D.; Kerry, Mass.; Klobuchar, Minn.; Kohl, Wis.; Landrieu, La.; Lautenberg, N.J.; Leahy, Vt.; Levin, Mich.; Lincoln, Ark.; Manchin, W.V.; Menendez, N.J.; Merkley, Ore.; Murray, Wash.; Nelson, Neb.; Pryor, Ark.; Reed, R.I.; Reid, Nev.; Rockefeller, W.V.; Schumer, N.Y.; Specter, Pa.; Stabenow, Mich.; Tester, Mont.; Udall, N.M.; Webb, Va.; Whitehouse, R.I.; Wyden, Ore.
Democrats Not Voting
Boxer, Calif.; Mikulski, Md.; Shaheen, N.H.
Republicans Yes
Alexander, Tenn.; Barrasso, Wyo.; Brown, Mass.; Bunning, Ky.; Burr, N.C.; Chambliss, Ga.; Coburn, Okla.; Corker, Tenn.; Cornyn, Texas; Crapo, Idaho; DeMint, S.C.; Ensign, Nev.; Enzi, Wyo.; Graham, S.C.; Grassley, Iowa; Gregg, N.H.; Hatch, Utah;
Hutchison, Texas; Isakson, Ga.; Johanns, Neb.; Kirk, Ill.; Kyl, Ariz.; LeMieux, Fla.; McCain, Ariz.; McConnell, Ky.; Risch, Idaho; Roberts, Kan.; Sessions, Ala.; Snowe, Maine; Thune, S.D.; Vitter, La.; Wicker, Miss.Republicans No
Bennett, Utah; Cochran, Miss.; Collins, Maine; Inhofe, Okla.; Lugar, Ind.; Murkowski, Alaska; Shelby, Ala.; Voinovich, Ohio.......Scroundrels
Republicans Not Voting
Bond, Mo.; Brownback, Kan.
Independents No
Lieberman, Conn.; Sanders, Vt.
Wednesday, 1 December 2010
Congressional Earmarks: Embracing and Ignoring a Message from Voters
House Republicans seem ready to declare at least an earmark moratorium. After early resistance, most senior Senate Republicans accepted the people's November 2 verdict on earmarks, but the body, with eight foolish Republicans defending them, resolved to retain earmarks. Big mistake.
The Essential (and Exceptional) American
by Newt Gingrich
It has been said that times of great challenge reveal the great character of our nation.
This observation is typically used to highlight the extraordinary sacrifices and heroics of the American people. Time and again, whether we have been tested by war or great tragedy, the American people have revealed their fundamental bravery, compassion and honor.
It has been said that times of great challenge reveal the great character of our nation.
This observation is typically used to highlight the extraordinary sacrifices and heroics of the American people. Time and again, whether we have been tested by war or great tragedy, the American people have revealed their fundamental bravery, compassion and honor.
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