Have you ever heard the expression? “Less is More?” It may conjure up thoughts of the latest sales pitch you’ve heard. Though if you give it some thought how does this expression fit into everyday life? I have read recent headlines such as “Aid to Africa makes the Poor, Poorer,” and “Lower (Less) taxes, Smaller Government More Effective.” Thinking this expression with the previous headlines in mind you can build the case of the relativity and genius in this simple motto.
First, “Aid to Africa makes the Poor, Poorer,” the author identified that what originated as good intentions to help the poor and suffering turned into funds to maintain the status quo despots in many areas of Africa. Which of course by these persons remaining in power it inhibited the lower echelons of society from gaining a foothold for a better life. So in a sense “Giving less could help More.”
Secondly, “Lower taxes, Smaller Government More Effective,” here the point was that the so-called “Stimulus,” and Bail-outs packages we’ve been pushed into to “save,” our nation are nothing more than smoke screens to implement a larger government which would stay in place beyond the current administration. The institutions intended to be launched would spread a heavy hand of government into our lives beyond what has been seen in our history. As well we must keep in mind that once these institutions are in place it will be very difficult to dismantle them. Current funds allocated or envisioned to cover programs will only last for x amount of time and then? TAXES and more TAXES on you the individual and small and large companies. Do not be fooled into the notion that now the “Big,” companies will pay their fair share. Any businessman will tell you that any increase in the cost incurred will be passed on to the customer. So Ladies and Gentlemen in other words that means YOU! 95% of the average Americans will not have tax increases says the current administration though realize it does not include this increase in your out-of-pocket cost…they would have you believe it’s an added on effect by those evil “Big,” companies. These costs are only the taxes of the big company being recuperated though yourselves.
The problem may be however that these companies opt out of America for greener pastures of lower taxes and less regulation. Many American companies are already headquartered in overseas locations to enjoy these benefits. These other countries welcome such as it pads the national bottom line as well as adds primary and secondary jobs that these companies generate.
Why can’t we as leaders of the world implement such legislation that would put in place lower corporate taxes, eliminate capital gains tax, implement the now popular growing FairTax (please research this). These are all viewed by economist as actually being potential ways to generate greater revenue. Generate greater revenue, create more jobs here at home, keep American businesses headquartered here, and imagine such all of these from smaller government and lower taxes. It makes you think again about “Less very well could be More.” Please do not sit by and watch our nation being turned upside down and feel helpless, write your local, state and national representatives and tell them how you feel.
Concerned Citizen Jonathan Varnell