Recently there was a billboard placed in (I believe) Colorado depicting Obama as many things (A Terrorist, A Pimp, A Mexican Poncho Villa-type dude, and something else-I'm not sure what but not pleasant). And more recently this billboard was taken down after the owner of the billboard received death threats. Death threats? In America, land of freedom, where you can do and say what you believe WITHOUT fear of persecution and equal protection under the law(?). We need to remember that we are a nation of laws as per our constitution and not a nation governed on the whims of emotion of men. All too often we see more and more of such whether it concerns religion or political matters and the person/s (who supposedly offended) go into hiding out of fear for their lives. Where are the journalist on THIS story? It seems what can be poor taste today maybe fashion tomorrow. Who decides which is what and who should be chastised. Ignorant, stupid, offending it may be but underneath it all it is their freedom to say such. With such in mind I would like to share this billboard photo on this site and hope many of you will copy such and send by mail to everyone you know.......that is if you consider this a freedom.