To Member of Congress:
The Left are planning to subvert the will of the American people. You have the power to stop them.
Leading Congressional Democrats are dead set on passing controversial and unpopular legislation in a special Lame Duck session of Congress after the November 2nd Election. It’s the only way Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi can succeed in advancing their unpopular agenda because they know they do not have the support of the American people.
Given the Left's track record during this current session of Congress, the American people have the right to know where their elected representatives stand.
At American Solutions, we've developed the following No Lame Duck Pledge and we're trying to get as many citizens as possible to sign our letter urging members of Congress to pledge the following:
I, undersigned Member of the 111th Congress, pledge to the citizens of the State of _____________ I will not participate in a Lame Duck session of Congress. I believe reconvening the Congress after the November 2nd election and prior to the seating of the new 112th Congress, smacks of the worst kind of political corruption. Attempting to pass unpopular legislation subverts the will of the American people and is an abusive power grab.
We know the Left are capable of using cheap tricks. We saw it during the health care reform debate. We know they are willing to ignore the will of the people. They ignored the town hall meetings and the clear signal the voters of Massachusetts sent by electing Scott Brown and passed the health care bill anyway.
Given the Left’s track record during this current session of Congress, the American people have the right to know where their elected representatives stand.
Your friend,